Saturday, December 28, 2013

Welcome to My E-portfolio

This e-portfolio showcases much of the work I did while at San Jose State University pursuing my MLIS degree. The competencies and supplemental materials are listed in the left-hand column. Thank you for viewing my e-portfolio.

All of the names have been redacted in group projects.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Final Internship Post!

I have 4 hours to go on the internship; I am going to try to finish up today and tomorrow. I am nearly done with the report, also. There are just a few more questions that I have to answer.

This internship has been really great - I'm so glad I chose to do this in my last semester. I was a good way to end my time at SJSU. Thanks everyone for reading my exciting (ha!) blog posts this semester. I enjoyed keeping up with your internships also, and I hope you all do well in the rest of your time here.